Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Trout House:: Randomness.

I started a blog. I started a blog because I love reading my friend's blogs. But every time I get on this thing to write a blog post, I feel like what I was going to say sounds silly, or that my punctuation isn't correct, or that I'm rambling (like I am now....). 

SO. I'm going to just start with some of my thoughts this morning. They are in no particular order. They may be silly. They are most likely not punctuated correctly. Also, I tend to ramble. Sorry. 

1. I hate the winter. I said it. (whew...that felt good). My husband says he loves the winter: the cold weather, the snow. I hate it all. And if I never saw another winter again that would be fine with me. I hate the bulky clothes, the pale skin, the lack of sunshine, chapped lips....I could go on. I may hibernate. Wake me up when the sun is out for more than a day. 

2. I could watch HGTV all day. And night. 

3. I'm going to see my bestie today. Which is totally worth a hour and a half drive. There is something about your oldest friends that you just can't get anywhere else. I think it's that you can just be. You don't have to go anywhere, or really do anything, or really say much. You can just be. You never really have to "catch up", you just pick up where you left off. Why isn't everything in life that simple? 

4. Speaking of a hour and a half drive...I'm actually pretty excited about it. I love driving in my car by myself. My drive to work is one of my favorite parts of the day. 

5. My husband looked hot this morning. That man can wear a pair of dress pants. 

6. I'm going through a domestic phase and I love it. I've been learning how to cook, which is actually going really well. And I've become decorating obsessed. The problem I have is that the decorating doesn't come naturally to me (that was hard to admit). It seems to come naturally to a lot of women (especially my mom), but I have to look at magazines, and books, and blogs, and TV (see #2), and basically try to duplicate the things that I like...exactly. Any one else? No? Just me? 

7. I'm going to make a bold statement. Are you ready? White Christmas is officially my favorite Yankee Candle. Ever. 

8. Jonathan and I watched The Killers live on Palladia the other night, and it reminded me that I love The Killers. I strongly believe that they should only be enjoyed at full volume. 

Okay. I suppose that's all for today. I will try to make my future posts more interesting, but no guarantees. 


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