Thursday, February 3, 2011


For those of you not in Oklahoma, or living under a rock, let me tell you that we got a lot of snow this week. Not just a lot by Oklahoma standards. A lot. Period. In fact, this one snow fall was more than our annual average. I can honestly say that I have never seen this much snow here. As a result, Jonathan and I were snowed in for two days and I am working on my third day today. 

This is our porch. Using our front door is not an option at this point. My strapping husband did shovel our driveway. He also made Aspen a path to a patch of grass so she could do her business. 

For those of you who don't know, I am not a "stay inside" kind of person. I need to be around people, society. One day inside without leaving drives me a little crazy. Like I said earlier, I am on day three. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that management at my store did not make me risk my life (and vehicle) to go to work. But boy, do I need to get out. I have found myself talking to the animals, calling my mother multiple times in one day, and checking facebook more than I will ever admit. 

The upside is I have had time to cook some fantastic food. Last night I made the Pioneer Woman's MM Sandwich. It was amazing. It also included two sticks of butter. I should probably find some new recipes as I am not getting any physical activity whatsoever. My arteries felt a little more clogged when when I woke up this morning. Aside from the gluttony, the good news is that this was the first recipe I've tried that actually looked exactly like the Pioneer Woman's pictures! Mine always look a little different (i.e. not as delicious) from hers. 

I also made snow ice cream. It was amazing and reminded me of snow days when I was a kid. I didn't get any pictures of it though, I was too busy devouring it before it melted. Nom, nom, nom. 

All joking aside, it was an absolute blessing to spend two days with my husband with nowhere to go and none of the usual demands of life. We don't often get a chance to just be with each other. I like to think of it as a 4 month anniversary gift from mother nature. Even though our pets are crazy, it was pretty fun to hang out with them too. I love my little family. 


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